Thursday 8 October 2015

And the new chassis is...........

So the chassis I bought was the Serpent SRX2 MM. I have been reading up on this chassis for a while now and have been very impressed with a couple of things that I saw and read. First of all I love the sleek and streamline look of the chassis and for that matter the bodyshell design! Not only this but for some reason (I don't know why) it seemed to me to just look very high quality. After watching the chassis compete in the very capable hands of Hupo and Jörn at the ETS rounds and more recently the Worlds it confirmed to me that this chassis would also suit my style of driving. (Although the Pros do make it look effortless)

So it arrived the other day and as any used chassis I always start by taking it apart and doing a full rebuild. Not only to clean and prep the chassis but to also learn about it as well. Being a used chassis you never get the bonus of learning about how it all goes together properly. Here is my (very messy) work area at the moment. Front end being the end which I started with.

So with some new parts arriving very soon I should have it up and running by some point next week, fingers crossed.

I would like to though say a massive thank you to Tony at Serpent UK for giving me the opportunity to join the on road team for 2015/16 and for the support he has provided so far. 


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