Saturday 28 July 2012

Friday Nights Racing

Well friday nights racing was eventful as usual with all the regulars give or take a few people. I started off the night soldering in my new thunder power 10.5 motor. 

The motor was easy to solder in and felt rather quick on track with plenty of torque to power my CRC out of the fast sweeping corners at our track. I didn't add any timing what so ever for the first nights usage as I didn't want to over cook the motor (run it in gently) but i also wanted to see how quick it was out of the box. Round one I was quite pleased with as I know a very good mod round this track did a fastest lap of 7.33. 

I went on to improve this fastest lap time to a 8.25 and a average of 8.86 so was happy with the new purchase. 

Else where in the pit area there were multiple breakages in the touring car division with the brunt of them being with Xray drivers. See there pain for yourself. 

One very upset Xray driver. (Thomas) 

And a more focused Xray driver but he wasn't willing to show his true emotion to the camera. (Aiden)

In the end these two drivers ended up in a battle royal for top honours in the B final. I managed to capture some of there final in a short video. 


Further up in the A final the usual heavy weight battle for the win was to be decided between Andy and Danny as they lined up 1st and 2nd on the grid. When I say they are close in times this picture says it all. 

 Then my fellow CRC team mate dean using his new HotBodies car, and to round up the A final arron (aka the drain) who in all fairness drove rather well in my opinion that night with his Team Associated TC6. Here is a short clip of him qualifying in one of his heats. 


Personally I think his newly stickered shell had a lot to do with his success the other night but I think he will say very differently.

All in all a very interesting nights racing will the usual friendly banter, plus I would just like to say thank you to Tom again for the jam donuts that made the night :P

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