Tuesday 31 July 2012

Monday 30th July Nights Racing Touring Report

The touring car's were getting more and more competitive by each meeting and this one was no exception. With the TC6 driver Arran (aka the drain) stepping up his game the other week the pressure was really mounting on certain drivers to try and grab that all important final A final grid position. 

In pre meeting testing some drivers were feeling the pressure more than others.

Some of the younger drivers beginning to feel what it is really like to compete against some more experienced competitors.  

Richard Whur featured above was trying to get to grips with running 12th scale and 10th scale at the same meeting and for people who have tried this before its not the easiest of jobs. 

In other area's of the pits the usual front runners of the touring car class had there cars already prepared and looking very professional. 

Danny Holmes Xray T3 with Thunder Power and Tekin

Andy Murray Xray T3 with LRP X12 and GM 

With the Thunder Power motor really taking off at our club I think they could definitely very promising in the future and also looking into more of there products they definitely have a competitive range of products. 

Dean Johnsons HotBodies TCX with Thunder Power and Hobbywing

Back to the racing it was ever so apparent that the battle for A final pole was super close as usual between Danny and Andy. The battle though for third was blow wide open as Arran was out the claim third for himself, but not if Dean had anything to say about it. The times say it all. 

Aiden one of the Xray drivers who suffered with some breakages in the last meeting had the same dark omen this meeting. With a rather nasty smash on the main straight it looked like his night was over. 

The damage look's terminal. 

But once again Aiden's mechanical skills have proven vital and he had this rather nasty break turned around in no time. 

Nicely done Aiden. 

Moving on, the night drivers fought it out round after round for the bragging rights to the A final pole. We even saw motor's smoking and hot temperatures after all the commotion the A final lined up as followed. 

Danny Holmes 
Xray T3

Andy Murray 
Xray T3

Dean Johnson 
HotBodies TCX

Arran Turner 
Associated TC6

Aiden Ripley
Xray T3

Richard Whur 
Xray T3
(He got a little lost lining up on the grid)

The finishing order to my knowledge was as follows, 

Danny Holmes 
Andy Murray 
Arran Turner 
Dean Johnson 
Aiden Ripley 
Richard Whur (DNF)

Well raced by all and close battles though out the final between all drivers. Next meeting is going to be very close!

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