Tuesday 14 August 2012

Testing Report

Recently myself and fellow racers at Blackpool RC Club have undergone some extensive testing. The most important being the testing of different tyres which could potentially be the tyres used at the BRCCC winter series. Here are some images of the tyres that might make the cut. 

Lined up and ready to be put though there paces. 

The Day glow yellow rims. (My personal favourites) 

Else where, my CRC was undergoing some testing also. I had wanted to try a Tekin RS instead of my Hobbywing as I had a small suspicion that the Tekin RS would produce some quicker lap times and also solve a few software issues that I have had with the Hobbywing. To my disappointment though before I could do a lap with the Tekin RS I blow a FET in the circuit board. So my day was over really. 

CRC sidelined for the day. 

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